

The 30th of September.

This September ends with..., wearing my pretty flower sandals probably for the last time for this fall, while walking among the beach...

...drinking propably the last frappuccino before my throat starts to pain from the shuttered ice cubes...

...and, right then, enjoying the very first greek traditional coffee with the strong flavour and smell (oh, well, and a biscuit on the side)...

...snapping beautiful photos, full of color and optimism...

...trying to find original ways for my first graders to learn small syllables during class...

...photographing autumn leaves from every possible angle, just because I love their melancholic colors...

...and many, many more, with the wish of having a lovely autumn, full of coziness, rainy afternoons while drinking hot chocolate on the couch, full of creativity and inspiration!


  1. Amazing pictures!!! I just love them all! <3

  2. Teleies fwtografies! Eidika autes me to filla!
    Ax to fthinwporo erxetai...Ksekinisa idi na pinw kafe filtrou!

  3. Ααα...! Καφές φίλτρου ε? Τι καλάααα!

  4. ti oraia ta "pi" me ta plastelinakia tous!!! toso tryfera..:)


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