Introductory note: Please, wait a minute and don't jugde me from this subtitle. I will get back to it later on.
If you are following Red Rose Cheeks on facebook, you propably already know where I have been the last couple weeks: Italy. Ahh, Italy! What can I say about the beauty of it, the food, the ice-creams, the people? If you have ever been there, you might as well understand what I am talking about. It has this undefined 'aura' that you just feel. On my latest post on facebook I told you (maybe 'warned' is a more suitable word here) that my massive number of photos taken on my trip required a series of different posts, divided by theme. Therefore, we will talk more about Italy in each post.
Now, back on that subtitle. I thought of the word "peoplewatching", inspired by the term birdwatching. I thought of it as an alternative outdoor activity. Heh, I am obviously kidding. Or not? Dou you happen to do this? I like watching people passing by, noticing what they wear or how they wear it, and mentally memorizing the details that I would like to incorporate in my clothing one day. I believe it's something of a "Sartorialist" bug, or of any other streetstyle blog. After all, what's the difference between scrolling down and down a streetstyle page and live-watching people's clothing choices on the street?
So, here it is, my first (of many to follow) post from my vacation in Italy. It is the first partly streetstyle post I have ever done, so go easy on me and let me know what you think!

What I loved about style there? The fact that older people were nicely dressed. With their trench coats (we experienced mini showers all day long) and their hats. I loved the fact that they wore hats. I wanted to photograph every person I saw wearing a hat! And carrying an umbrella. And riding a bicycle... I loved that for the first time I walked in an exlusively Miu Miu boutique (you know my passion for this brand!). By the way, did you know that there is a Gucci museum in Florence? And a Salvatore Ferragamo museum? I also loved the fact that women dress chic, wearing simple clothes but adding just one expensive touch , but not in the obvious, extravagant way; always in muted style. And, of course, I couldn't leave out those two sweeties wearing their colourful raincoats, brightening up the streets of Florence!

posa like posa...uperoxi anartisi
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt that Italians are beyond chic and stylish!!!
η δουλειά του sartorialist είναι εύκολη με τόσους καλοντυμένους ανθρώπους! φλωρεντία είχα βρεθεί καλοκαίρι και πέρα από τη ζέστη είχε υπερβολικά πολλούς τουρίστες, σε βαθμό που πάθαινες αγοραφοβία, οπότε δεν έχω τη δική σου εικόνα, so thanx for sharing!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post! You took amazing photos, can't wait to see more from Italy. It's a country I can't wait to visit.