♬ Tchaikovsky -Dance Of The Sugarplum Fairy ♬
It's been a while. 2017 has been a year of many intense emotions, and I must say that all of them, good and bad, contribute in a non conscious way to the person I am today. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I've evolved into a better person- just the person I am today.
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'Life Lately' is a way to feel creative again, so here it goes.
❤ I discovered the mini marshmallows from Tiger and then, just like that, everyday was hot chocolate kind of day.

❤ My mum and I made cinnamon cookies and attempted to decorate them also! For a family that consists mostly of foodies, making something of a dessert, trust me, it is a big deal.

❤ Lush's massage bars were pretty much of a discovery, about a year and a half ago, when I visited a store in Bologna, I think, for the first time. I went in there just to get a bath bomb and ended up with a 50€ account (I trully am a marketing victim, I know). This year's SnowFairy and Twilight massage bars, other than their great smell, they have a sparkling dust inside which, once liberated, leaves the skin sparkly and shiny.

❤ I experimented a lot with glitter and photography. This is actually a very small sample.

❤ Attempted to make one of my beloved gifs with one of my favorite christmas decorations, buuut Photoshop was not cooperative. So here is a less perfect version of it. Still whimsical, though.

❤ Spent the last Saturday of the year wrapping presents for my favorite people and placed them under the tree. To be opened tomorrow!

❤ After the christmas cookies, 'vasilopita' with ice cream cones as decorated christmas trees, was literally a piece of cake. Idea from Chef Italia.

❤ Aaand, last but definitely not least, this wooden box contains literally my life the past 2 -and counting- months. The contents of it may or may not be the theme of a post to come, but the only thing I can say with confidence right now is that, whenever I open this box, it reminds me that the people that I have in my life right now, are definitely there for a reason and they are meant to be there for a long time ahead. And I can't even begin to express how much this means to me.
This is my magic box.

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So this is exactly the wish I am giving you for the year to come. Wherever life finds you, to be surrounded by the people you love. They show their love by actually being there. So, treasure that.
